Butterfly blessings

Butterflies are the heaven sent kisses. How true! Whenever I see a butterfly fluttering around me, I feel very happy that someone from the heaven has sent their blessings. It feels like we are receiving a gentle kiss from heaven, a reminder that our loved ones are always with us. After my dad's demise, I... Continue Reading →

A quintillion hopes

In the mid of thousands of heads, swinging like a child, sitting on the palenquin, enters an adorned God. This reminds us a lovely poetry written by our nightingale " Lightly O lightly, she sways like a flower. The moment the god arrives, millions of hands rise above the thousands of heads. Lakhs of chants,... Continue Reading →

A bond to cherish

So over the years, having confronted with many profound problems and having solved them with the help of my beloved friends and neighbours I have realised that,"Family is not always always by blood, it is by heart..." So according to me, 'Rakshabandhan' is not just a celebration that is meant only for the brothers/ sisters/cousins/relatives...... Continue Reading →

Humans are the camouflaged animals

Humans are the camouflaged animals... Animals, birds and insects camouflage for certain reasons and yes everyone knows it. But do you know that humans can also camouflage? Yes, we do. In fact, better than other creatures... To blend into the crowdTo show that we are in the same boat To fit into other's lifestyle We... Continue Reading →

Adapting to a situation

Before discussing about this, pls read this kutti story... A sunbird's chick fallen from nest. I have tried to put it back in the nest, but the nest was on the ceiling and it was too tall for us to reach. So I made a small set up using a tea filter and kept the... Continue Reading →

Floating Beds

Man-made floating bed. No, it's not for us but for the water birds!!!! Cool!!! It's about the floating nests... I know, floating beds for humans are more common than these floating nests. But the gist of this post is biodiversity. Well now, you may guess what am I talking about... I caught a glimpse of... Continue Reading →

Festival Zest

Diwali - The festival of lights Well, Diwali, the festival of lights, is just around the corner and hope you are in a festive mode to celebrate this authentic festival. Even I am so excited.The whole India celebrates Diwali, even the people settled in other countries celebrate this day as a grand festival... Yeah, what's new... Continue Reading →

Don’t complicate life

"Don’t complicate your life Just go with the flow..." Lessons I learnt latterly ... ➡️Following simple diet ➡️Eating healthy food ➡️Doing normal excercises Are ok!!! But just don’t complicate the things…Don’t be too diet conscious...Don’t do heavy excercises… These things may help us feel better but they are not going to stop our death… I... Continue Reading →

A witty wasp’s stratagem

Amidst the colorful flowers, the busiest bees buzzed. Hopping around the thin branches, the dancing dragon flies settled at last. The bright blue sky donned the purple dress. The luminous moon started grinning intensely. And the white flowers glistened in the evening garden. In the mid of this wonderful evening scenery, I was standing there... Continue Reading →

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